Monday, October 6, 2008

The Old Rules

In life, love, business--the old rules no longer apply. At least not for me. Who set the rules in the first place? Parents? Teachers? Preachers? Politicians? Some old biddy down the street who needed to get a life? Who decided how you should do things and what was the proper way to do them? I don't know. I guess I really have nothing to write about this week. so I guess I'm breaking my own rule of having to publish something once a week or I won't be on point with the rest of my new-to-this-interactive-thing peers. I've been on the computer tapping out prose and press releases since the early 80s. Hated it then and kinda like it now. But I still like a pen and some paper to think about my ideas first, then it all comes rushing out through my weary and worn fingertips like a faucet.

Oh well, I'll write in my ole handy trusty notebook today, and maybe become inspired to jott something meaningful down. Old habits die hard.