Sunday, April 26, 2009

Living the right life

Jeez, been a cool minute since I sat down and pumped something out. Not that I don't think about writing or updating, just get sidetracked, or better yet, I allow myself to be sidetracked. And here I swore to never let that happen again. There goes that resolution. Could be, because it has been the same resolution since 1998. See, there I go again, off track.

And like I declared in 1998, I was going to find the truth, my truth, live the life I imagined. I rolled out of bed and set out to do just that. But somehow, I got relegated to being a basement boo (more on that later), and making someone with no vision's dream real. Spent the better part of 2 years back in the bed, eyes wide shut, dreaming once more of what I could be. Maybe I needed a stronger pair of glasses. So the kindred spirit that I have been declared to be, once again has spread her energy thin, and once again has needed to shut her eyes and dream again about what I can be.

So after some nearly 4015 sometimes fitful, sometimes fruitful, sometimes frigid, sometimes fearful and sometimes fantastic nights, I'm finally doing my thing. And when I say my thing, I mean my thing, my way, regardless of what others may think my thing is or should be. It's my dream. Get your own.