Friday, September 18, 2009

Back in the Saddle

OMG! Fall already and before you know it--2010!

This summer pretty much sucked wenis. Cold and long. No real fun to speak of and loads of unsolicited drama. Folks came without warning and took without asking. Left a ring in my tub and DNA on my toilet (where's Clarence Thomas when you need him?). I'm done. Folks moved in without warning with pancake mix in tow. Had to fight some battles and feed the greedy. Stayed clear of stores and missed visiting the shore, and the bond between mother and daughter grew even deeper.

Going to be doing some big things this fall with folks I've been searching for for a lifetime. Like-types. Going to have a new perspective and and a new sanctuary. New platforms from which to spring and revamping some old ones. Promise to care about how I dress even if I am stuck to the chair and computer all day (never know whom you might meet!) Not going to let folks and their hidden agendas derail me (again). I trusted my gut and it feels good. I had faith and all worked out for the best. And I think I may have found the vest. Bananas.