Monday, May 25, 2009

How could I forget

Memorial Day is all about remembering those that fought for us, died for us, and a time all but forgotten for many. It's also the unofficial kickoff of summer and all that jazz. End of the winter blues, spring flings, April showers.
Didn't spend this day remembering much other than the good times I used to have or once had and thinking I need to create some new memories before I can't remember what I don't want to forget or I become part of what time forgot.
Read this article in ELLE this week, about a woman much like myself, who felt like she was hanging on a cliff by the tips of her well manicured fingers, one foot dangling while the other tried to get a grip and hoist herself back up the mountain-side. "Hang on girl"-- remember you don't like heights. Soaring to new ones, yes. Slippin', no. I still have some fight in me. Some Kung Fu grip. Some soul. Many reasons for folks to want to connect with the me that I am now. And not the memory of me, that old me that once was, but the new and better me. Boy, do I remember the times that I once had.

Oh well, carry on. Time to get some ground-gripping shoes and keep it moving. Next year, I'll be in the Hamptons with folks who will not have forgotten about me and with whom I will have made new memories.

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