Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back to life. Back to reality.

I've been thinking about the entertainment industry and the music I've grown up on, and how I've made my living. Not what it used to be. And never again will it be like it was. Had been thinking about where my love of music and this biz came from, and when and where I somewhat lost my passion for it. I'm disgusted by the wannabes and the trifling and the talentless. There is no effort and no respect for music lovers and fans, and that saddens me. Michael's gone and never will anyone come close to replacing him. I've got mad love for Prince. Seal rocks my soul. I still love House. And my own weird playlist of sounds and tunes. That's it. It's over. I'm done.
This biz has been good to me and I've made of it what I wanted it to be for me. Beyond that, it sucks. Look what it does to people, what folks become and that is so not the intent of making music and film. Folks get power hungry, become addicted to the fame and fortune, often lose their way and all sense of reality. Poor Michael, with his self-loathing and pain. Fragile creature, too frail to take the ugliness of the world. Never that. I am sad for you Michael and I cry for me and my loss of the love of music. Back to my new life and reality.

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