Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer of Love

This has been one funky summer. No heat to speak of. June was all wet. Michael Jackson crossed over to the other side, and I've yet to wear all my cool sandals and outfits meant for a trip to Cali.

Back to the grind and back to being my old amped up self. Gotta get that fire in the belly back or risk being one step short of those dreams and goals I set for myself years ago. Been a cool little journey thus far, with some bumps and turns, with the road always seeming to get smoother before it gets longer. Been lucky that way, or maybe smarter than I give myself credit for. Gotta make some changes and manage expectations. Get folks to get on the good foot or get to steppin'. I have to high-tail it back to the front of the pack-- where I belong.

Second half is going to be awesome, I will it to be so.

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