Saturday, March 15, 2008

And you don't stop

Finally, a moment to myself when I can write. Man have I missed doing this.

So, in my day to day I spend a great deal of time writing for other people. Creating for other people. Planning and developing for other people. Dream realization for other people. Happy to help, but enough is enough already. Most times, get paid well to help while others "sleep" on things. Wake up. When are folks going to have the brass ones to do dreaming of their own. Jeez Louise! I digress.

So the other day, I read the blog about "things white people like" and I got to thinking about what colored folks like to do, and I realized that's been done by every comic on BET's Comicview, so I'll concentrate on my observations I'd like to add to that most clever of blogs: Brown pants. What's with the brown pants? Only white men wear brown pants and Black UPS workers. And white men wear them often, sometimes everyday (worked with a few folks who were guilty of that so these are facts folks!) And not good brown pants. Usually polyester, or wrinkled cotton, or corduroy, or khaki. Khaki falls in the brown family. I don't get it. Go out and compare how many Black men you see in brown pants and then how many non-colored men. See? Huge disparity between the groups. Maybe it's some secret cult uniform. I remember when I was a kid and we had gone to Spain for the first time, Ibiza to be exact. Back in the 60's and the tie-dye thing was big. But we had been out of America for a while, so we were not familiar with the Hippie-fashion trend. And my Mom (smartest and most stylish woman I have ever known) and I were quite intrigued by these shirts we saw popping up everywhere. Like maybe they were in a vacation group and had to wear the same shirt for easy identification. Ha! So my Mom asked or maybe I did. Next thing we had the shirts. But never the multi-colored ones. We had solid- color ones. Blue. Green and a yellow one. I remember wearing it around in Paris after vacation. Folks thought I was cool. But back to the brown pants. I don't understand the fascination. I have my theories. But I'll just go on counting how many brown-pant sightings I come across in a week. That's more fun.

Then I wanted to talk about fake-busy people. When I worked a corporate gig, the thing to do was complain about the amount of work you had and the little time to do it in. I guess if we had spent less time talking about how busy we were and doing the work, we'd have nothing to talk about. We'd be faking doing work because we'd be done with the real still. So now in my self-employed life, the excuse for not returning my calls or failing to remember something promised, or my name even, is blamed on how busy folks are. Usually the fake-busy person is some wannabe-busy and important person. I often have to bite my tongue and keep from cussin' this type of person out. I'm busy too, fool! And you are wasting my time. You're a fake-busy person time-waster is what you really are! Do some real work and get a real life and hump at 12;30am on a Saturday like I do, and then maybe you can fain amnesia and being void of energy and time to call me back because I'll believe you are in to something other than the way! Fake-busy people--go do something.

Now I'll end on the social network thing. Wow. I need to get out more. I belong to all these groups and keep getting invited to more. I can't keep up. It's like a job trying to maintain the profiles and postings and all that jazz. And the folks who use this thing for shameless self -promotion. Get a separate blog or profile for that and quit spamming me! I don't eat mystery meat and as Spam is called: "The meat of many uses", so don't serve it to me! And quit assuming that my day isn't "blessed" and that I don't know that Bill Gates is giving away millions because they saw it on the Today Show. I watch that program 7 days a week, I have NEVER seen Bill on the show talking about giving me money for emailing anything around the world and back LOL!
I digress. The Internet and the social network thing has been a blessing for me. I connected with family I only knew of and heard about, but with whom I now have a genuine connection. Something I needed and had longed for in my real-busy life.

That's it.

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