Friday, March 28, 2008

Like bees to honey

So bummed out, had to write two entries today.

So the cousins come to me this week with proposition number five thousand eight hundred and fifty two: "Girl, we gonna make some money". I have to be careful where I do my shameless self- promoting. Cast not thy pearls before swine. Some folks resent the fact that you know what you're doing and try to steal your thunder; Others, just want to steal from you. I'm an equal opportunity thief magnet!

I pride myself on being on top of my game. And while I still have much to learn and am always reading and exploring, I believe that I am miles ahead of many when it comes to my line of business. And while parts of me want to believe that people are drawn to my energy and good spirit, deep down inside, I know they are drawn to what they believe I can do for them. Still difficult for me to understand at times what they see or what they are drawn to, but I think folks just plain ole have schemes and scams on their mind and I must have "Boo Boo the Fool" written on my forehead. 'Guess I'm going to have to pull the old bullshit detector out the closet and strap that puppy to my head, pull on the hip boots and step on out. The cousins are at it again.

Now mind you, I was born in The Village to highly intellectual and cultured parents, with Eastern spiritual views. My name is Sanskrit and my uncle likened me to a little Buddha when I was born. So while I am not religious, I am spiritual and I have been taught to respect every one's beliefs. All that said, I am leery of folks. as I have said before, who tell me to have a "blessed" day, that God sent me their way and that recite Bible versus to me to cover up for the devil's spawn like garbage that they really have in their hearts and intend to spew at me. And because I come from literate folks who put a book and dictionary in my hand before I could walk, I tend to look things up, have a ton of knowledge about a bunch of subjects (and useless things), and I research the web like crazy. Plus I frickin' study those that wear the brown pants and have been navigating the virtual lane for a cool minute. Don't try to tell me about some wack ass web site you built, or some jacked up wannabe third-dimension, slower than hell piece o' crap you frickin' bullied some folks into paying you to build for their wannabe-be-cool-and-down-with-the peeps-asses. Run on sentence I know and I don't care! Thunk. Pop up blocker. Or in this case: poo poo blocker. Are you serious? Your boy built what??? And you want me to help you do what? I can make us rich ? I can have a piece of the profits you build off of me? They have got to be joking. Like I don't know when I'm being stroked and you have that big fish hook dangling? Like I'm not going to drill down and trust my instincts and not get too excited by some snake-oil salesman talk? Like I don't read between the lines, the fine print or hear what you're really saying to me? Do I look so mild mannered and innocent that you think I will be an easy target? Wow. What folks fail to realize is that I have heard it all and seen it all and I can smell you coming with your cheap eau de toilette (translation: toilet water!) wearin' behind. So stay away from me. Not interested in your get rich quick schemes, your plans to make me rich while I bring all the opportunities to the table and do all the work, but only get a fraction of the profits and you borrow money from me because you just had your Benz stolen, or better still I need to pay you a retainer fee for hooking you up with an idea. WTF??? I'm not on my grind, hustle or any of that. I have a legit business (in fact 2), and a host of initiatives which I plan to actuate and see come to fruition on my terms and at my own pace. How about that language, you forked-tongue speakin' fools? And I don't need you to help me help you.

Tomorrow, I'm back to me.

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