Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm cool like that

Finally, decided to try this blog thing again. Been threatening to do it for some time. Been asked to do it for even longer. Just lazy or scared. Or both. Maybe because I spend a great deal of time writing to earn my keep. Or maybe I got spooked by someone who didn't like my writing and what I had to say. Killed my spirit. Then I read an article today about fear, and how we let it keep us from success and doing the things we were meant to. Best advice from the article was adopting a "so what" attitude. So nobody likes the fact that you do your thing and are fierce. So what. So nobody cares about what you have to say or where you've been or where you're going. So what. So you've done more than you can remember and still have more to do. So what. (Part of my fear of not leaving a legacy makes me do too much.) I like to write. I have something to say and I'm going to say it. So what! I just want to be clever and witty and funny and have this thing read.(My fear of failure) But even if it isn't--so what. HA!

Been on a journey for some time now. From the Village Circa '58, to Paris back to the USA and NY, down to Texas out West and Cali way, down to the Dirty and back home again. Yes, New York is my home and where I was meant to be. Coming back was easy and staying was hard at first. I save that story for another day. That's the part of my journey that let's me know I was meant to stay here, because it showed me what I'm truly made of.

So I guess this must be the right time to start this thing and share a piece of me. My conversations with myself. My observations. My encounters with the "cousins". My wit and wisdom. My how-to-do and become anything. My madness and ideas. My inspirations and shameless self-promotion. My picks and pans. My rants and raves. My love of House (music that is). My secrets to success and lessons from the failures. My fears (I still have some, just don't let folks know I do). And just what makes me cool like that. In case you didn't know: being humble is so 2007! (Thanks Ms. Badu for that how-you-like-me-now so-what-ism!)

Let's start the night off with a little TV recap- I love this season of Big Brother! I don't know who the producers are, or who lit a fire under the casting director's butt, but the drama is to die for! The challenges are still wack as hell, but the backstabbing and drama is worth ever minute of my 3 nights a week of time wasting! Hell, every night I'm glued to the TV. Except Friday. No. I take that back. The Soup and Best Week EVER! and then Free Radio. Then I'm good. Saturday is the sucky night. Guess I should be out clubbin' and trolling for talent. And I will. As soon as summer hits.

OK. That's it. I'm done. Plus I'm tired and I'm not feeling so witty. Read this incredibly clever blog today "Things White People Like to Do"...Frickin' funny. Trying to be like that writer for sure. Just can't do it tonight, but I will bring it. Blow all these fools clear out the water with their pansy prose and gooey gossip. I got some gossip for your a...! OK, OK...I'm cool. I'm out. Thanks for this forum who ever you are who came up with this blogging thingy...

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