Friday, March 28, 2008

It's a family affair

Last week, Spring had sprung, my daughter celebrated another birthday, life was groovy and then, like the birds to Capistrano, the cousins came a flockin'!

Cousins come in all shapes and sizes, gender and socio-economic level. Some are smart and some are just smart asses. And some are just dumb as a bag o' rocks. And sometimes, like roaches, they just won't die no matter what kind of industrial strength repellent you use, those suckers just keep comin'. And boy do I try to keep them out of my life. I just want to go about my business, be creative, do my work and be the easy going laid back person that I am. Oh no. The cousins bring their madness and disturb the peace like it's a right of passage. Cousins have the game so twisted they'll have you apologizing to them for crap they started. I haven't had to eat crow in years. And I hate birds. Deathly afraid of them. But the cousins had me go there this week. And when I was making my forced-amends, you could almost hear the cackle and crow of the vultures in the hush of the moment as if I were a fresh piece of meat they couldn't wait to get their claws into. Frickin' harpies. I digress. Ping. Damn there they go again, frickin' email alert. But I'm determined to find some solace in this blog. Not going to let them take this away from me too. Tried to rob me of my dignity, ignore my comments and input, using me as the sacrificial lamb, forcing me to want to give up on the cousins for good. Wouldn't let them. So I'll get back to this blog and ignore them for now. Damn old birds.

So, not a good week for TV watching. Maybe Best Week EVER or The Soup will have found some foolishness for me to get a kick out of. Haven't even taken pleasure in trying to spot some brown pants. Cousins got me rattled. Just make me want to put on my roach stompers and destroy. Maybe some House music and a little Spring cleaning. Time to clear out the closet and make way for some fierce new clothes and shoes. Although I can only drool over some of the shoes. Had two back to back major foot surgeries, haven't been right since. Not good for a person who loves to get on the "good foot". That's it. I need to blast some James Brown and get my groove back.
Try this thing later when I'm feeling less anxious. Less tuned into the madness of the cousins and their fakery and dishonesty, laziness and nerve. Love my family. Hate the cousins.

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